(1) Baltazhy,Olga - Negbre,Biagne Elsa
1st IMSA World Masters 2019, 14-05-2019

First sensation of the tournament was registered already in the first round. Very experient Ukrainian Olga Baltazhi played against African Champion Biagne Ersa Negbre.
While African male players are already for many years a part of the world top the African woman just entered the world draught arena.
So it is much to early to expect that they can fight experient and often professional sportswomen from Europe and Asia.
Probably that's what Olga Baltazhi also thought.
But we were not punished for this miscalculation. And Olga was. 1.32-28 19-23 2.28x19 14x23 3.37-32 10-14 4.41-37 5-10 5.35-30 14-19 6.40-35 10-14 7.45-40 20-24 8.50-45 24-29 9.33x24 23-28 10.32x23 18x20 11.37-32 19-23 12.46-41 17-21 13.41-37 21-26 14.39-33 14-19 15.44-39 16-21 16.31-27 11-16 17.33-28 12-18 18.39-33 7-12 19.30-25 6-11 20.25x14 9x20 21.43-39 1-6 22.49-43 20-24 23.34-30 So far so good. Using small positional imprecision of her opponent Olga managed at least one weaknees in the black position - hanging peice on 20. 4-9 24.30-25 15-20 25.25x14 9x20 26.39-34 12-17 27.34-30 17-22 28.28x17 11x31 29.36x27 2-7 30.33-28 3-9 31.30-25
[ White play academically solid and it looks like the win is a matter of time.
Baltazhi is playing very fast and I guess that he didn't realize that this was the right moment to brake and look for the best way. Attack of Ghestem was here the right one. Using following tactical idea white would get practically winning position. 31.28-22 9-14 32.38-33 23-29 33.37-31 26x17 34.27-22 17x39 35.43x1 ]
31...9-14 32.38-33 If white slowed down here she'd recognize that she can come to danger. And it is the time to go for draw..
And this is what Olga couldn't allow. Few more quick moves,,, 8-12 33.43-38 7-11 34.40-34 12-17 And this is the moment of truth. White have to go into defence. But Olga sacrificed the piece... Did she think that the piece 45 stands at 50 and she is going for Coup Rafael? 35.34-29
[ 35.37-31 26x37 36.42x31 21-26 37.47-42 26x37 38.42x31 17-22 39.28x17 11x22 40.31-26 22x31 41.26x37 18-22 42.34-30 16-21 43.37-31 21-26 44.32-27 26x37 45.27x29 37-41 46.29-23 19x39 47.30x8-+ ]
35...23x34 36.47-41 17-22 37.28x17 11x31 38.41-36 21-27 39.32x21 16x27 40.37-32 6-11 41.32x21 26x17 42.36x27 17-22 43.27-21 22-28 44.33x22 18x16 45.48-43 19-23 46.38-33 14-19 47.25x14 19x10 48.43-38 23-29 49.42-37 11-17 50.33-28 13-18 51.28-23 18-22