(4) Idrisova,Aygul - Zhao,Hanqing
1st IMSA World Masters 2019, 14-05-2019

1.34-29 17-22 2.40-34 19-23 3.45-40 14-19 4.50-45 10-14 5.32-28 23x32 6.37x17 12x21 7.38-32 7-12 8.43-38 11-17 9.32-28 6-11 10.41-37 1-6 11.31-26 5-10 12.46-41 20-24 13.29x20 15x24 14.48-43 10-15 Black weakens the field 15 and white makes immediately use of it 15.34-30! 18-23 16.40-34 23x32 17.37x28 13-18 18.45-40 Having 2 possibility to keep passive but "normal"position Chinese player choose for the third way, getting really ugly position. "Ugly" doesn't always mean "loosen". But I think in this case it does. 8-13?
[ 18...14-20 19.28-23 (19.28-22 18x27 20.38-32 27x29 21.34x25 4-10 22.30x19 9-14 23.19-13 8x19) 19...19x28 20.33x13 8x19 21.30-25 ]
19.28-23 19x28 20.30x10 15-20 21.33x22 4x15 22.35-30 18x27 23.34-29 2-8 24.38-33 12-18 25.40-34 20-25 26.30-24 9-14 27.24-20 15x24 28.29x9 3x14 29.34-30 25x34 30.39x30 18-23 31.44-39 13-19 32.39-34 27-32 33.33-29
[ Up till now Aigul played well. And now it is the moment to benefit and just win the piece. One piece is the high price Hanqing Zhao had to pay for transformation of ugly black position to beautyful. Either Aigul was so impressed of this potential transformation or just miscalculated thinking that black has combination 32-38. But she didn't win the piece and the game ended in draw soon. 33.33-28 ]
33...21-27 34.29x18 17-21 35.26x17 11x13 36.34-29 16-21 37.30-25 6-11 38.43-38 32x43 39.49x38 11-17 40.41-37 17-22 41.38-32 27x38 42.42x33 21-27 43.47-42 13-18 44.42-38 8-13 45.29-24 19x30 46.25x34 13-19 47.34-30 14-20 48.33-29 20-25 49.37-32 25x23 50.32x21